Authors: V. Vyhnánková;  M. Fedorko;  M. Král;  V. Študent;  T. Jamaspishvili
Authors‘ workplace: Urologická klinika FN Brno LF MU Brno
Published in: Urol List 2011; 9(4): 43-48


New biomarkers of prostate cancer have been identified aiming to reduce the number of unnecessary biopsies as well as to increase the detection rate of prostate cancer. PCA3 as one of them, identified in 1999, is highly over-expressed in prostate cancer tissue. Evaluating PCA3 is supposed to help in guiding clinical decision towards biopsy in case of PSA 2,5–10 ng/ml („gray zone“) and where prostate cancer is suspect despite negative result of inicial biopsy. The article summarizes the current knowledge based on novel clinical trials regarding PCA3-based prostate cancer prediction and provides recommendation for use of PCA3 in common urological practice.

Key words:
prostate cancer, PCA3, PCA3 score, prostate biopsy


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Paediatric urologist Urology

Article was published in

Urological Journal

Issue 4

2011 Issue 4
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