Authors: Jeffrey A. Cadeddu;  Md
Authors‘ workplace: Department of Urology, UT Southwestern Medical Center
Published in: Urol List 2011; 9(4): 54-57


Since the introduction of kidney radiofrequency ablation in 1997, indications for the procedure have greatly expanded. Traditionally reserved for elderly patients with significant medical comorbidities who were poor surgical candidates, contemporary indications may additionally include elective use in solitary kidneys, transplant kidneys, metastatic renal cell carcinoma, and healthy patients among others. We herein review the evidence supporting the role of RFA for renal tumor ablation across a wide range of clinical settings.

Key words:
radiofrequency ablation, renal mass, RCC


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Paediatric urologist Urology

Article was published in

Urological Journal

Issue 4

2011 Issue 4
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