Diabetic neuropathy

Authors: Jindřich Olšovský
Authors‘ workplace: Diabetologické centrum II. interní kliniky LF MU a FN u sv. Anny Brno
Published in: Vnitř Lék 2015; 61(6): 582-586

Předneseno na mezioborovém sympoziu s postgraduálním zaměřením „Diabetik – společný pacient diabetologa a ortopeda“ 10. října 2014 v Hradci Králové.


The paper deals with one of microvascular complications of diabetes - diabetic polyneuropathy. It is discussed comprehensively from its causes, incidence, its classification and diagnostic possibilities to the risks it entails for patients and therapeutic possibilities.

Key words:
autonomic neuropathy – diabetes mellitus – diabetic neuropathy – motor neuropathy – sensitive neuropathy – diabetic foot syndrome


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Diabetology Endocrinology Internal medicine

Article was published in

Internal Medicine

Issue 6

2015 Issue 6
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