Basic principles and difficulties relating to rehabilitation in diabetic patients following amputation

Authors: Martin Jindra;  Bohuslava Věchtová;  Jana Bielmeierová
Authors‘ workplace: Rehabilitační klinika LF UK a FN Hradec Králové, přednostka doc. MUDr. Eva Vaňásková, Ph. D.
Published in: Vnitř Lék 2015; 61(6): 604-608

Předneseno na mezioborovém sympoziu s postgraduálním zaměřením „Diabetik – společný pacient diabetologa a ortopeda“ 10. října 2014 v Hradci Králové.


Vascular diseases as a result of diabetes mellitus are the most frequent indication for amputation in the Czech republic. Diabetic patients following amputation, unlike the other amputees, very frequently suffer multiple complications. These are both of general and local nature and pose a limitation to rehabilitation care as well as a prosthesis use. The main goal of therapeutic rehabilitation is the practice of locomotion with a prosthesis (artificial limb) and the patient‘s full return to normal life. A team of closely cooperating specialists is involved. The rehabilitation care of amputees is divided into acute and aftercare. Within preoperative care we try to improve the patient‘s physical and psychological condition. Following surgery we verticalize the patient as soon as possible depending on his/her possibilities and condition, we carry out breathing and vascular gymnastics and prevention of thromboembolic disease and we start the care of the stump. When the stump has been healed and shaped, the patient is provided with an artificial limb. The patients equipped with an artificial limb take a walking course where they learn how to handle the limb as well as walk indoors and outdoors and cope with common terrain unevenness.

Key words:
amputation – diabetes mellitus – walking with an artificial limb – prosthesis – lower limb prosthetics


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Diabetology Endocrinology Internal medicine

Article was published in

Internal Medicine

Issue 6

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