Professor MUDr. František Pór’s School of Internal Medicine

Authors: M. Mydlík 1;  K. Derzsiová 1;  P. Schweitzer 2
Authors‘ workplace: Nefrologická klinika Lekárskej fakulty UPJŠ a FN l. Pasteura, Košice, a Logman a. s., Košice, Slovenská republika 1;  Division of Cardiology, Department of Medicine Beth Israel Medical Center, New York, USA 2
Published in: Vnitř Lék 2008; 54(6): 674-675
Category: From the History of Medicine

Prednesené na vedeckej pracovnej schôdzi Spolku lekárov v Košiciach dňa 21. 4. 2008, na XV. memoriáli profesora MUDr. F. Póra


The article pays tribute to prof. MUDr. František Pór and his significant role in the development of internal medicine in Košice and in Eastern Slovakia, where he actively pursued his profession from 1945 to 1971. He was the founder of the school of internal medicine in the proper sense of the word having laid down its organisation, therapy and prevention, training and research bases. His pupils, and the pupils of his pupils, have carried on his legacy till this day. This fact was remembered on the occasion of the 15th commemoration held by the Košice Doctors’ Association in his honour and memory and on the occasion of the upcoming 60th anniversary of the foundation of the Faculty of Medicine at Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice.

Key words:
professor MUDr. František Pór, founder of internal medicine in Košice and in Eastern Slovakia – prof. MUDr. František Pór school of internal medicine – 60th anniversary of the foundation of Pavol Jozef Šafárik University Faculty of Medicine in Košice


1. Univerzita Komenského v r. 1945-1955. História, vedecká a publikačná činnosť fakúlt, katedier a ústavov (Klinika pre choroby vnútorné/Katedra interná). Separát Lekárska fakulta v Košiciach: 709-715.

2. Mydlík M. Tradícia memoriálov prof. MUDr. Františka Póra. Vnitř Lék 1998; 44: 176-177.

3. Mydlík M, Derzsiová K, Jiroušková M. X. memoriál profesora MUDr. Františka Póra. Sb Lék 2003; 104: 425-430.

4. Mydlík M, Derzsiová K, Jiroušková M. 105th birth anniversary of professor František Pór, M.D. Prague Med Report 2004; 105: 209-214.

5. Mydlík M, Derzsiová K. 105. výročie narodenia a XI. memoriál Prof. MUDr. Františka Póra. Vnitř Lék 2005; 51: 752-754.

6. Mydlík M, Derzsiová K. Spomienka na Prof. MUDr. Mikuláša Takáča, DrSc., pri jeho nedožitých 80. narodeninách. Vnitř Lék 2007; 53: 872-873.

7. Mydlík M. Doc. MUDr. Tomáš Hildebrand, CSc. - sedemdesiatročný. Med Monitor 2007; 4: 33.

8. Mydlík M. Spomienky na prof. MUDr. F. Póra.

Diabetology Endocrinology Internal medicine

Article was published in

Internal Medicine

Issue 6

2008 Issue 6
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