Preparation of patients with haemostatic disorder for invasive medical interventions

Authors: M. Penka 1;  A. Buliková 1;  P. Smejkal 1;  J. Kissová 1;  M. Matýšková 1;  J. Gumulec 2;  S. Králová 2;  M. Šlechtová 1;  G. Chlupová 1
Authors‘ workplace: Univerzitní centrum pro trombózu a hemostázu MU Brno a Oddělení klinické hematologie FN Brno, pracoviště Bohunice, přednosta prof. MUDr. Miroslav Penka, CSc. 1;  Onkologické centrum J. G. Mendla Nový Jičín, přednosta prim. MUDr. Jaromír Gumulec 2
Published in: Vnitř Lék 2008; 54(6): 632-637
Category: Reviews

Předneseno na XIII. Pařízkových dnech s mezinárodní účastí " Diagnostika a léčba krvácení v praxi", konaných v Novém Jičíně ve dnech 15. a 16.3.2007


The current trend in medicine is to sustain the possibility for necessary procedures to be performed in patients who suffer from haemostatic disorders which complicate eventual surgery. Among such disorders are congenital blood coagulation disorders, haemostatic disorders concomitant with other diseases and also therapies which affect haemostasis either on purpose or as part of adverse effects. Among coagulation disorders are congenital haemorrhagic or thrombotic conditions, acquired blood coagulation disorders – combined in the vast majority of cases – and associated with pregnancy, severe internal diseases and surgery related diseases, severe injuries, wounds, burns, malignancies, systemic connective tissue diseases, inflammatory bowel disease, and a number of other diseases. A separate issue is that of anticoagulation therapy – both antiplatelet, used in the treatment or prevention of venous thrombosis, and anticoagulation, predominantly used to manage venous thromboembolism. Also considered should be any therapy which may have a negative impact on coagulation due to its adverse effects.

Key words:
surgery – haemorrhage – thrombosis – transfusion preparations – blood derivatives – heparin – warfarin


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Diabetology Endocrinology Internal medicine

Article was published in

Internal Medicine

Issue 6

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