Evolution and evolutionary theory for physicians. II.
Evolution – a scientific fact

Authors: F. Koukolík
Authors‘ workplace: Primář: MUDr. František Koukolík, DrSc. ;  Národní referenční laboratoř prionových chorob ;  Fakultní Thomayerova nemocnice s poliklinikou, Praha ;  Oddělení patologie a molekulární medicíny
Published in: Prakt. Lék. 2010; 90(2): 63-68
Category: Editorial


Proof of evolution as a fact is most often based on paleontological observations, results of comparative anatomy, signs of embryonal development, description of vestigial structures, geographical distribution species and results of molecular methods. The paper supports evolution as a fact by three evolutionary streams:

– water-land using a tetrapod example,

– land-water using whales as an example,

– land-air using „feathered dinosaurs“ as examples,

and by comparative anatomy of cortical fields of the mammalian brain, by geographical distribution species, and by evolution of genome and proteosynthesis.

Key words:
evolution, fact, paleotontological observations, cortical fields, biogeography, genome evolution, proteosynthesis evolution.


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General practitioner for children and adolescents General practitioner for adults

Article was published in

General Practitioner

Issue 2

2010 Issue 2
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