Importance of early diagnostics of inherited metabolic disorders in neonatal age

Authors: M. Magner 1;  P. Ješina 2;  P. Klement 1;  D. Lorenčík 1;  V. Vobruba 1;  J. Zeman 1,2;  T. Honzík 1,2
Authors‘ workplace: Klinika dětského a dorostového lékařství UK 1. LF a VFN, Prahapřednosta prof. MUDr. J. Zeman, DrSc. 1;  Ústav dědičných metabolických poruch UK 1. LF a VFN, Prahapřednosta prof. MUDr. V. Kožich, CSc. 2
Published in: Čes-slov Pediat 2013; 68 (1): 3-11.
Category: Original Papers


More than one quarter of 900 known inherited metabolic disorders (IMD) may manifest in the neonatal age. Their diagnostics is demanding. The correct and early diagnosis with subsequent therapy introduction may have a substantial impact on further prognosis of the child.

Case reports of three children with manifestation of IMD in neonatal age and late diagnosis are presented. On contrary, assessment of early diagnosis saved favourable prognosis of the child with galactosemia and enabled the early introduc-tion of adequate therapy in a child with alpha-1-antitrypsin deficit. The first girl with methymalonic aciduria manifested sepsis-like state with hyperventilation, consciousness disorder and seizures, severe metabolic acidosis and hyperammonemia. The liver failure was the main symptom of the girl with galactosemia. The boy from the third case report with glycogenosis type Ib showed repeated hypoglycamiae. The leading symptom of mitochondrial disorder in the fourth newborn – with ATP synthesis deficiency due to mutation in TMEM70 gene was the hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. The alpha-1-antitrypsin deficit was determined in the fifth boy with hepatopathy. The acute and life-threatening state typically occurs after period of relative health in acute intoxication type of IMD. The relations of ketonuria and significant metabolic acidosis or hyperammonemia are often present. The selective IMD screening or comprehensive metabolic investigation in the specialized center is indicated in case of suspicion on IMD based on clinical and laboratory signs. Early assessment of diagnosis of potentially treatable IMD plays an enourmous role in further prognosis of the child.

Key words:
inherited metabolic disorders, neonate


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Gynaecology and obstetrics Internal medicine Neonatology Neurology Paediatrics General practitioner for children and adolescents General practitioner for adults

Article was published in

Czech-Slovak Pediatrics

Issue 1

2013 Issue 1
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