Analysis of risk factors concerning suicidal behavior in childhood and adolescence

Authors: J. Koutek;  J. Kocourková
Authors‘ workplace: Dětská psychiatrická klinika UK 2. LF a FN Motol, Prahapřednosta prof. MUDr. M. Hrdlička, CSc.
Published in: Čes-slov Pediat 2013; 68 (1): 36-42.
Category: Original Papers


The authors deal with suicidal behaviour in children and adolescents. They examined 35 patients (6 boys and 29 girls) hospitalized in the Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry of the University Hospital Motol after suicidal attempt in 2010. The main focus of their study was to identify the motivation and risk factors for suicidal behaviour. The results indicated that problematic family background, psychopathology including depressive symptoms (63 %), anxiety (31%) and conduct disorders (29%) were common. The problematic personality development (83%) seemed to be extremely important. Drug poisoning was identified as a predominant type of suicidal attempt (89%).

Key words:
suicidal attempt, child, adolescent, motivation, risk factor


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Neonatology Paediatrics General practitioner for children and adolescents

Article was published in

Czech-Slovak Pediatrics

Issue 1

2013 Issue 1
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