Perception Hearing Disorders in Children in Association with other Diseases

Percepční poruchy sluchu u detí: súvis s inými chorobami

Autori poukazujú na význam vyšetrení u detí s percepčnou poruchou sluchu podľa algoritmu. Cieľom je podchytiť aj inú ešte nepoznanú chorobu (ako je Alportov syndróm, Uscherov syndróm, morbus Recklinghausen a iné). Vypracovali vlastný algoritmus vyšetrení na odhalenie príčiny, resp. súvislosti percepčnej poruchy sluchu s inou chorobou.

Klíčová slova:
percepčná porucha sluchu, rizikové faktory, algoritmus vyšetrení, deti

Authors: A. Staníková;  J. Jakubíková;  M. Závodná
Authors‘ workplace: Detská ORL klinika LFUK a DFNsP, Bratislava, prednostka kliniky doc. MUDr. J. Jakubíková, CSc.
Published in: Čes-slov Pediat 2001; (4): 200-202.


The authors draw attention to the importance of examination of children with perception hearing disorders according to an algorithm. The objective is to detect also other hitherto not diagnosed diseases (such as Alport syndrome, Uscher syndrome, von Recklinghausen’s disease and others). The authors elaborated their own algorithm of examinations to detect the causes and relations of perception disorders with another disease.

Key words:
perception hearing disorder, risk factors, algorithm of examination, children

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Neonatology Paediatrics General practitioner for children and adolescents

Article was published in

Czech-Slovak Pediatrics

2001 Issue 4
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