Small Cell Lung Cancer

We recommend karcinom plic

Pilot Program for Lung Cancer Screening in the Czech Republic – Current Interim Results

22. 4. 2024 Source: Small Cell Lung Cancer

Since January 1, 2022, a pilot population program for lung cancer screening has been underway in the Czech Republic. At the 7th PREVON conference in December 2023, updates on the progress as of March 31, 2023, were presented. Data for 2022 show a 4.4% detection rate of positive findings using low-dose CT in the targeted population of current or former smokers aged 55-74 years, who have so far undergone screening.

Malobuněčný karcinom plic

Options for Systemic Therapy of Advanced Stage Small Cell Lung Cancer

Small cell lung cancer (SCLC) is the most aggressive type of lung tumor. Although it responds well…
22. 2. 2024 Source: Small Cell Lung Cancer

Malobuněčný karcinom plic – nové poznatky o biologii nádoru

18. 4. 2023 Source: Czecho-Slovak Pathology | 1/2023

Articles on this topic
karcinom plic_clc

Journal articles Prevence a programy prevence karcinomu plic

19. 9. 2023 Source: Journal of Czech Physicians | 4/2023
Karcinom plic

Journal articles Pokroky v léčbě malobuněčného karcinomu plic

27. 5. 2021 Source: Clinical Oncology | Supplementum 1/2021

Journal articles Imunoterapie v léčbě karcinomu plic

12. 12. 2017 Source: Clinical Oncology | Supplementum3/2017
soc. dávky

Journal articles Posuzování zdravotního stavu pro účely dávek a služeb sociálního zabezpečení u osob s karcinomem plic a ekonomický dopad tohoto onemocnění na sociální zabezpečení v České republice

16. 4. 2021 Source: Clinical Oncology | 2/2021

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