Kidney Carcinoma

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Prognostic Model MSKCC in Patients with Metastatic Renal Carcinoma Treated in 1st Line with Sunitinib

6. 12. 2021 Source: Kidney Carcinoma

A study by Czech authors published in 2020 demonstrated the usefulness of the MSKCC (Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center) model in the prognostic stratification of patients with metastatic renal carcinoma (mRCC) treated with sunitinib in the 1st line. Additionally, a significant difference was found between the outcomes achieved in patients with intermediate risk who had one or two risk factors.


Risk Factors for Renal Cancer Formation After Kidney Transplantation

German authors in the below-cited work identified modifiable risk factors associated with the…
5. 11. 2021 Source: Kidney Carcinoma

Kidney Carcinoma – Key Facts About the Disease With the Highest Incidence Worldwide in the Czech Republic

The incidence of renal carcinoma is increasing every year. About a quarter of the cases are still…
5. 11. 2021 Source: Kidney Carcinoma

Articles on this topic

Expression of PD-L1 as a Predictive Biomarker for Therapy Selection in mRCC

A newly published systematic review and meta-analysis of studies involving patients with…
1. 7. 2021 Source: Kidney Carcinoma
dotazník pacientka nemocnice pece

Efficacy and Safety of Axitinib in Higher Lines of Renal Carcinoma Treatment in Real Practice

Greek authors published a retrospective study from a single institution and demonstrated that…
26. 6. 2021 Source: Kidney Carcinoma

Journal articles Examination of circulating tumor cells in renal carcinoma

Zařazení vyšetření na cirkulující nádorové buňky do běžného algoritmu vyšetření u pacientů po operaci...
11. 6. 2020 Source: Czech Urology | 2/2020

Journal articles Cystic renal lesions: one centre study

Byli vyhledáni a opětovně hodnoceni pacienti léčení chirurgicky pro tumor ledviny/ cystickou renální...
27. 8. 2019 Source: Czech Urology | 2/2019
operace_operacni sal_cevy

Journal articles Case report of a gigantic recurrent angiomyolipoma in a horseshoe kidney

Prezentujeme kazuistiku objemného recidivujícího angiomyolipomu podkovovité ledviny u mladé pacientky...
9. 3. 2020 Source: Czech Urology | 1/2020

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