Technology /AI


A Cloned Monkey Survived to Adulthood for the First Time. Will We Soon Be Able to Clone Humans?

4. 3. 2024 Source: medScope.pro

A macaque named ReTro, born as a result of a cloning experiment by Chinese scientists, has reached adulthood. This is the first such successful cloning that could pave the way for further primate research. What is behind the scientists' success? And does this mean we could successfully clone humans?

Oko AI

Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning as the Future of Glaucoma Diagnosis

Glaucoma represents a group of eye diseases characterized by changes to the optic nerve. It is the…
21. 2. 2024 Source: medScope.pro
3D tisk

Planning Surgery Using 3D Printing in Practice – Case Study

In October 2023, an article by neurosurgeons from Leipzig University was published in the journal …
25. 1. 2024 Source: medScope.pro
Noha fixace

New Type of Fixation Allows Regular Limb Hygiene and Stay in Water

Conservative therapy for injuries and non-traumatic diseases of the musculoskeletal system is a…
26. 5. 2023 Source: medScope.pro
Mozkové implantáty

Brain implants can affect the human mind in a surprising way

The technology company Neuralink, owned by Elon Musk, announced in December 2022 that it plans to…
26. 4. 2023 Source: medScope.pro
Umělá inteligence

What Lies Behind ChatGPT? Artificial Intelligence with Potential Use Even in Clinical Medicine

ChatGPT, a program that enables conversation with sophisticated 'artificial intelligence', or…
4. 4. 2023 Source: medScope.pro
rakovina prsu_žena

“Smart” Bra as a Helper in Breast Cancer Detection

Malignant breast tumors represent one of the most common oncological diseases in women worldwide.…
23. 3. 2023 Source: medScope.pro

The Unexpected Rise of Telemonitoring During the COVID-19 Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic, despite many negative impacts, also brought positive benefits to patients'…
8. 2. 2023 Source: medScope.pro
nádor výzkum léčby rakoviny

Treatment of Tumors Using Ultrasound? The First Results of the Use of Histotripsy Look Promising

Histotripsy represents a new therapeutic method that allows the non-invasive removal of tumor…
24. 1. 2023 Source: medScope.pro

3D Printing is Already Helping with Eye Prostheses: What Benefits Does the Innovation Offer Patients?

Cosmetic eye prostheses, usually made of glass or acrylic, serve to mask cosmetic defects due to…
19. 12. 2022 Source: medScope.pro
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