Technology /AI
Impact of a Deep Learning Model Predicting Sepsis on Quality of Care and Survival
Early recognition of sepsis is crucial for better patient prognosis. The following study presents the positive impact of applying a deep learning model for early prediction of sepsis on the health and lives of patients treated in emergency departments.
Artificial Intelligence in Breast Cancer Detection – Results from Real Clinical Practice
A study conducted in Sweden examined the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in the detection of…
A device the size of a matchbox will help treat obstructive sleep apnea
Obstructive sleep apnea, also known as sleep apnea syndrome, is the second most common sleep…
Can Artificial Intelligence Help Personalize Treatment for Cardiology Patients?
According to data from the World Health Organization (WHO), cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) claim an…
Twilight of Radiologists? Will They Be Replaced by Artificial Intelligence?
Although artificial intelligence has recently made enormous progress in interpreting scans from…
Will 3D Printable Tissue Adhesives Replace Stitches and Clips?
3D printing technology is slowly making its way into more and more areas of healthcare. In February…
New Technology Teaches Healthcare Professionals to Deliver Messages Patients Don't Want to Hear
Communication with patients and their relatives is often very challenging for doctors and nurses,…
What is the future of xenotransplantation? Pig liver and kidneys transplanted to humans for the first time
The initial successes of pig organ transplants to humans, conducted this March, gave hope that…
Ultrasound in a Patch – Smart System Capable of Monitoring Patient During Regular Activities
A team of scientists from the University of California, San Diego, has developed a miniature…
Artificial Intelligence Helps in Selecting Influenza Strains for Vaccine Production
Vaccination is one of the most important and effective preventive measures in the fight against…