

Indication of Bilastine in Specific Patient Groups − Practical Tips for Clinical Practice

24. 5. 2022 Source: Allergic Reactions

Bilastine is a non-sedating H1-antihistamine, which is very well tolerated by patients. It can be indicated in the therapy of allergic diseases in both pediatric and adult populations. What are the possibilities of its use in specific patient groups?


Bilastine in the treatment of allergic rhinitis – meta-analysis shows advantage of lower somnolence

A newly published systematic review and meta-analysis evaluate the efficacy and safety of bilastine…
24. 5. 2022 Source: Allergic Reactions
CHOPN_starý muž

Need for Early Intervention in COPD − A Suitable Time for Mucolytic Treatment

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) ranks third among the leading causes of morbidity and…
24. 5. 2022 Source: Cough Therapy

What Did 3 Years of Data from the Czech National COPD Database Reveal?

In December of last year, the Czech multicenter research database on COPD was completed. This was…
24. 5. 2022 Source: Cough Therapy
preskribce léků

COPD is Treated Differently Across Europe – What Could Be the Reasons for This Variability?

As part of this year's Hradec Pneumological Days (HPD 2022), the head of the Pulmonary Clinic at…
24. 5. 2022 Source: Cough Therapy
bolest břicha starší muž senior

Prolonged Course of Metastatic Stomach Cancer with Long-term Stabilization – Case Report

In the following case report, we present the case of a patient with a prolonged oncological disease…
24. 5. 2022 Source: Treatment of Gastrointestinal Carcinomas
statistika grafy výzkum

Focused on MS: Statistics Are Boring, But They Have Valuable Data!

What is the prevalence of multiple sclerosis? Has the proportion of patients treated with highly…
23. 5. 2022 Source: Multiple Sclerosis
mozek mri scan roztroušená skleróza

Epstein-Barr Virus – Is the Culprit of MS Revealed?

Could the Epstein-Barr virus hold the answer to the etiology of multiple sclerosis? A dataset of…
23. 5. 2022 Source: Multiple Sclerosis
testování biomarkerů

From Biomarker Testing to NSCLC Treatment Selection

During a satellite symposium at this year's European Lung Cancer Congress (ELCC 2022), Prof. Martin…
23. 5. 2022 Source: Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer

Is Adding Fibrinogen Concentrate to Transfusion Therapy for Postpartum Hemorrhage an Effective Approach?

Significant postpartum hemorrhage can be managed with fresh frozen plasma transfusion. However,…
20. 5. 2022 Source: Life-threatening Bleeding
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