
karcinom kolorekta, CRC, Colorectal cancer

Successful Resection of a Rectosigmoid Tumor After Long-term Induction Biochemotherapy – A Case Report

20. 6. 2022 Source: Colorectal Cancer

Neoadjuvant treatment (chemoradiotherapy) for colorectal cancer is regularly used in advanced rectal tumors, with the goal of reducing the tumor size for the surgeon and ensuring the best possible radical outcome for the patient. In metastatic tumors of the remaining parts of the digestive tract, we talk more about induction treatment, which uses a combination of targeted therapy and chemotherapy for the same purpose – reducing the extent of the tumor disease and possibly enabling surgery including radical removal of metastatic foci. The…

atopická dermatitida detail kůže

Dupilumab Improves Skin and Systemic Symptoms of Atopic Dermatitis

A clinical study conducted in the USA and Canada demonstrated the efficacy of dupilumab in treating…
20. 6. 2022 Source: Systemic treatment of atopic dermatitis, asthma, and chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyposis – Type 2 inflammation
heal wounds

Current View on Prophylactic Negative Pressure Wound Therapy in Practice from Surgeons' Perspective

The journal Updates in Surgery recently published the results of a survey on prophylactic…
17. 6. 2022 Source: Wound Healing
klinicka studie

Comparison of the effects of fibrinogen concentrates and fresh frozen plasma in patients with acute traumatic coagulopathy

A quasi-experimental study compared the effectiveness of fibrinogen concentrates and fresh frozen…
15. 6. 2022 Source: Life-threatening Bleeding

Fibrinogen and Management of Peripartum Life-Threatening Hemorrhage

The most common cause of maternal death in the developed world continues to be peripartum…
15. 6. 2022 Source: Life-threatening Bleeding
antihypertenzní léčba

Telmisartan, amlodipine, and chlorthalidone in a low-dose fixed triple combination – better control of target blood pressure values?

The secondary analysis of the TRIUMPH study, recently published in JAMA Cardiology, is likely the…
15. 6. 2022 Source: Sartans in the Treatment of Hypertension
robot ovládaný joystickem

Joystick-operated robot intervening in stroke treatment remotely − fiction or promise of the future?

A team of experts from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) has developed a telerobotic…
15. 6. 2022 Source: medScope.pro
wound dressing care,

Current Indications for Negative Pressure Therapy in Wound Healing in Orthopedic and Traumatological Patients

Negative pressure wound therapy was introduced in North America in 1997. Since then, the method has…
14. 6. 2022 Source: Wound Healing
aloe vera tablety

Which Dietary Recommendations Actually Work for Irritable Bowel Syndrome?

Food is both a trigger for symptoms and a treatment tool for individuals with irritable bowel…
13. 6. 2022 Source: Irritable Bowel Syndrome
renální insuficience

Efficacy and Safety of Enoxaparin in Hospitalized Patients with Severe Renal Insufficiency

A study evaluating the effect of thromboprophylaxis with enoxaparin at a dose of 20 mg/day in adult…
13. 6. 2022 Source: Thromboprophylaxis
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