Prim. Václava Adámková: People mistakenly believe that there are enough antibiotics and that they will always handle infections
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), by 2050, infections untreatable with antibiotics could become the leading cause of death, surpassing cardiovascular and oncological diseases. Rising antimicrobial resistance was one of the main topics at the VIII Congress of Clinical Microbiology, Infectious Diseases, and Epidemiology (KMINE 2022), held in September in Prague. The topic was also the focus of the expert block ‘ATB stewardship,’ where epidemiologist Petr Smejkal, infectologist Aleš Chrdle, and microbiologist Václava Adámková…
Options for Tapering TPO-RA in ITP Patients: Practical Experience and Expert Consensus
A recently published British study aims to provide recommendations on tapering TPO-RA in patients…
Effect of Romiplostim in Refractory ITP with Possibility of Maintaining Response Without Treatment – Case Report
This case report from the United States features an ideal therapeutic response to romiplostim in a…
Newer Beta Blockers Offered for Use in Atherosclerosis Prevention
An article highlighting recent scientific findings on the beneficial effects of beta-blockers (BB)…
Will up-titration or combination with bisoprolol help to better control hypertension in amlodipine users?
Will patients with hypertension who do not achieve control of this condition with amlodipine at a…
EMPATHY Questionnaire as a Tool for Better Personalization of Levothyroxine Doses in Patients with Primary Hypothyroidism?
The therapy for hypothyroidism consists of substitution with levothyroxine (L-T4). Failure to…
Can Thyroid Hormone Supplementation Reduce the Risk of Cognitive Disorders?
The recent systematic literature review presented below, published by authors from the California…
Administration of RAAS Inhibitors in Czech Patients with Heart Failure in Real Practice
A partial analysis of data from the national register of reimbursed health care focused on the…
Robots Performing Blood Draws May Soon Appear in Clinical Practice
Blood draws are undoubtedly among the most common medical procedures in both outpatient and…
Recent findings on the role and potential of L. reuteri in the therapy of GIT diseases
Probiotics contain bacterial or yeast strains similar to beneficial types naturally occurring in…