

Metamizole in Pain Therapy in the General Practitioner and Pediatric Office

30. 3. 2023 Source: Updates in Pain Treatment

Metamizole is a pyrazole analgesic-antipyretic with spasmolytic effects, indicated for the treatment of post-traumatic or postoperative pain, visceral colic, cancer pain, and high fever unresponsive to other treatments. The advantage of this drug is its good tolerance without serious adverse effects on the gastrointestinal system, no impact on platelet aggregation, and usability in adults and children of all ages.

ankylozující spondylitida

Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs in the Treatment of Ankylosing Spondylitis: Network Meta-Analysis

A literature review and network meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials published in the…
30. 3. 2023 Source: Updates in Pain Treatment

Metamizole as an Analgesic with a Favorable Benefit-Risk Ratio

Metamizole is a well-established and widely used molecule in many countries worldwide, suitable as…
29. 3. 2023 Source: Analgesia

Doc. Jitka Fricová: The biggest challenge remains the patient with unbearable chronic pain

Research findings are pushing the boundaries of optimal chronic pain treatment, including better…
29. 3. 2023 Source: Analgesia
doc. Petrák výřez

The main advantage of sartans is a very good safety profile. Now it is about increasing adherence in hypertensive patients

The rules for initiating hypertension treatment have been simplified. The trend is to achieve blood…
28. 3. 2023 Source: Sartans in the Treatment of Hypertension
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Beta-blockers in the treatment of chronic heart failure: How did the analysis of the effects of 4 drugs in 26 studies turn out?

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Efficacy of Bisoprolol in Patients After Acute MI with LV Systolic Dysfunction

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Ozonizovany olej

INFOGRAPHIC: How does liposomal ozonized oil work in treating eye infections?

Ozonized sunflower oil exhibits antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and healing properties, which is…
24. 3. 2023 Source: Treatment of Glaucoma

Liposomal Ozonated Oil in the Treatment of Eye Infections

Liposomal ozonated oil is a new ocular antiseptic with antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and…
24. 3. 2023 Source: Treatment of Glaucoma
lékařka s pacientkou kardio

H₂FPEF Score for Estimating the Probability of Heart Failure with Preserved Ejection Fraction in Persons with Unexplained Dyspnea

The simple, validated H₂FPEF scoring system based on clinical and echocardiographic parameters, developed...
23. 3. 2023 Source: Heart Failure
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