
Is the efficacy of bisoprolol in secondary prevention of acute myocardial infarction in patients after percutaneous coronary intervention comparable to carvedilol?

26. 1. 2021 Source: Cardiovascular Continuum

Beta-blockers (BB) are recommended for all patients after percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) as part of secondary prevention of acute myocardial infarction (AMI). The study presented below compared the efficacy of carvedilol – a vasodilating beta-blocker, whose benefit in this indication was confirmed by a randomized clinical trial – with the effect of bisoprolol.


How to Care for Dialysis Patients in the Times of COVID-19

More than 2 million people worldwide undergo maintenance hemodialysis in outpatient centers.…
26. 1. 2021 Source: Chronic Kidney Disease

How do Hemodialysis Patients Perceive the Coronavirus Pandemic? Survey Results

Hemodialysis patients are at higher risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection due to repeated visits to medical…
26. 1. 2021 Source: Chronic Kidney Disease
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Increased Sympathetic Activity in Patients with Masked Uncontrolled Hypertension

Not all hypertensive patients who have normal blood pressure readings in the doctor's office…
25. 1. 2021 Source: Cardiovascular Continuum

Older patients with CLL and comorbidities: an option for treatment with immunotherapy without chemotherapy?

Is it time to treat chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) without chemotherapy? The authors of a…
19. 1. 2021 Source: Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia

Recommend Erdostein for children when treating with amoxicillin – symptoms of cough improve in almost 50% of cases within 3 days

Acute respiratory infections are usually treated empirically in primary care as the causative agent…
19. 1. 2021 Source: Cough Therapy
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Fixed Combination of Candesartan/Amlodipine in the Treatment of Arterial Hypertension

Arterial hypertension is a significant cardiovascular risk factor. A variety of antihypertensives…
19. 1. 2021 Source: Sartans in the Treatment of Hypertension

Efficacy and Safety of Preservative-Free Latanoprost in the Treatment of Open-Angle Glaucoma and Elevated Intraocular Pressure – Results of a Meta-Analysis

Many eye drops for the treatment of glaucoma still contain preservatives today. However, these can…
14. 1. 2021 Source: Treatment of Glaucoma
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Can We Reach Brain Metastases of Lung Cancer with Anti-EGFR Targeted Therapy?

Information on the penetration of epidermal growth factor receptor tyrosine kinase inhibitors…
11. 1. 2021 Source: Lung Cancer
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San Antonio: Results of Breast Cancer Treatment with Combination of Pertuzumab, Trastuzumab, and AI After 6 Years

The virtual conference dedicated to breast cancer, which took place December 8–11 in San Antonio,…
11. 1. 2021 Source: Breast Carcinoma
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