Current systemic treatment of metastatic prostate cancer

Authors: M. M. Heck;  H. Kübler;  J. E. Gschwend;  M. Retz
Published in: Urol List 2015; 13(1): 8-12


In patients with advanced, metastastic prostate cancer systemic therapy is indicated. At initial diagnosis, these patients are treated with androgen-deprivation therapy in order to lower androgen-levels at castration-level. This treatment initially can be combined with docetaxel chemotherapy, especially in patients with higher tumor burden. If prostate cancer progresses despite adequate castration level of androgens, we speak of castration-resistant prostate cancer. In the background of rapidly evolving new treatment options for castration-resistant prostate cancer - namely abiraterone, enzalutamide, cabazitaxel, radium-223-dichloride - the approval criteria and side-effect profile have to be taken into account. The following article summarizes curent systemic treatment options for metastatic hormone-naïve and castration-resistant prostate cancer.

Key words:
metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer, docetaxel, abiraterone, enzalutamide, cabazitaxel, radium-223-dichloride, chemohormonal therapy


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