The role of phosphodiesterase inhibitors in urology in treatment of erectile dysfunction

Authors: T. S. Hakky;  A. Baumgarten;  J. Beilan;  Y. Zheng;  D. Martinez;  R. E. Carrion
Published in: Urol List 2013; 11(1): 6-10


Erectile dysfunction (ED) rates are increasing worldwide and healthcare providers are increasingly prescribing PDE5 inhibitors and therapy for ED. The role of PDE5 inhibitors in urology is still evolving; as studies suggest that PDE 5 inhibitors have potentiating effects in the management of hypogonadism and BPH. This review evaluates the urologic impact and use of sildenafil, vardenafil, tadalfil and avanafil.

Key words:
phosphodiesterase inhibitor, erectile dysfunction, PDE5, sildenafil, tadalafil, avanafil, vardenafil


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Paediatric urologist Urology

Article was published in

Urological Journal

Issue 1

2013 Issue 1
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