Treatment of disseminated renal cancer: systemic immunotherapy, palliative treatment

Authors: J. Katolická
Authors‘ workplace: Onkologicko-chirurgické oddělení FN u svaté Anny v Brně
Published in: Urol List 2012; 10(2): 40-42


Both chemotherapy and radiotherapy do not significantly improve treatment response or overall survival in patients with metastatic renal cancer. Interferon alpha proved to be effective in the treatment of disseminated renal cancer. Interleukin-2 can be applied either subcutaneously or intravenously. Combination of both cytokines has not shown survival improvement. Combination of interferon alpha and bevacizumab is indicated for treatment of metastatic renal cancer in patients with good prognosis.

Key words:
metastatic renal cancer, interferon alpha, interleukin 2, bevacizumab


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Paediatric urologist Urology

Article was published in

Urological Journal

Issue 2

2012 Issue 2
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