Authors: J. J. Wyndale
Authors‘ workplace: University Antwerp and Antwerp University Hospital ;  Professor of Urology
Published in: Urol List 2010; 8(3): 6-12


There has been an extensive evolution in the understanding and management of urological pain conditions through international consultations, the creation of working groups in Europe and US. It has become clear that chronic pelvic pain has to be considered as a more general affliction with local, central and gene­ralised consequences. It is likely that it has several different clinical expressions. It appears more often with other diseases. The impact on quality of life is important. Chronic bladder pain syndrome is driven on several symptoms. The diagnosis is made through clinical and technical tests. Cystoscopy and biopsies are needed for differentiation. Many confusable disease have to be ruled out. Treatment consists of general and behavioural measures, drug treatment orally and or intravesically. Surgery can be indicated. A strong support of the patient is needed. The outcome remains uncertain but improvement of the symptoms is often into reach.

Key words:
bladder, pelvic pain, bladder pain syndrome, interstitial cystitis


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Paediatric urologist Urology

Article was published in

Urological Journal

Issue 3

2010 Issue 3
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