Authors: Pavel Holeka;  Zdeněk Koreček;  Jan Vanáč;  Vladimír Ninger
Authors‘ workplace: Traumatology Department, Chrudim Hospital, Hospitals of Pardubice Region ;  Traumatologické oddělení Nemocnice Chrudim, Nemocnice Pardubického kraje
Published in: Úraz chir. 24., 2016, č.2

Zhodnocení přínosu náhrady předního zkříženého vazu při léčbě jeho parciální ruptury.
Materiál a metoda:
Do retrospektivní studie bylo zahrnuto 72 pacientů s artroskopicky verifikovanou parciální rupturou předního zkříženého vazu od 1/2010 do 12/2012. Z tohoto souboru 40 pacientů podstoupilo náhradu vazu. Sledované parametry byly objektivní nestabilita kloubu, časový interval k plné fyzické aktivitě a subjektivně hodnocená bolest a nestabilita kloubu. Sběr dat byl prováděn retrospektivně z ambulantních záznamů. Vyhodnocení bylo provedeno vzájemným porovnáním výsledků obou skupin.



Aim of the study:
Evaluation of anterior cruciate ligament replacement as therapy option in case of partial rupture of this ligament.

Material and methods:
72 patients with arthroscopically verified partial rupture of the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) between 1/2010 and 12/2012 were included in the retrospective study. From this group 40 patients had undergone ACL replacement surgery. Parameters monitored were objective instability of joint, the time interval to full physicall activity and subjectively felt pain and joint instability. Data collection was carried out retrospectively from the out-patient records. The results oft he two groups were compared.

During examination in the third month, three operated and 9 non-operated patients felt instability during normal load. In the 6th month two operated and 9 conservatively treated patients complained of instability at normal load, and 1 operated and 10 non-operated during sports load. In the 12th month during normal load 1 of the operated and 9 of the non-operated patients reported to feel instability. Non of the operatred patients felt subjective instability during the sports activity, compared to 14 conservatively treated patients who complained of instability. In the subjective evaluation of pain during normal loads in the 3rd month, 16 operated and 11 non-operated patients haven’t experienced diffi culties. In the sixth month during sports 10 operated and 3 conservatively treated patients were without diffi culties and under normal load 14 operated and 10 non-operated patients did not complain.

After 12 months in the operated group 9 during normal activities and 11 during sports were without complaints. In the non-operated group, 9 patients with normal activity and 3 patients during sports activities had no complaints.

Patients who underwent ACL replacement for partial ACL lesion had less problems during normal and sport activities. This was true fort the whole follow-up period. Their return tot he previous sport activities was more smooth.

Key words:
Partial rupture, anterior cruciate ligament, arthroscopy.


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Surgery Orthopaedics Traumatology Trauma surgery

Article was published in

Trauma Surgery

Issue 2

2016 Issue 2
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