Cryopreserved buffy-coat-derived platelets in platelet additive solution

Authors: H. Lejdarová 1,2;  R. Pacasová 1;  N. Poloková 1;  S. Michlíčková 1;  L. Tesařová 3;  I. Koutná 3
Authors‘ workplace: Transfuzní a tkáňové oddělení, FN Brno 1;  LF MU, Brno 2;  Mezinárodní centrum klinického výzkumu, FN u sv. Anny, Brno 3
Published in: Transfuze Hematol. dnes,27, 2021, No. 3, p. 254-261.
Category: Original Papers
doi: https://doi.org/10.48095/cctahd2021254


The main disadvantage of fresh platelets is their short shelf life, usually 5 days, which can result in their restricted availability. Platelet cryopreservation extends shelf life up to 2 years when stored at a temperature of –80 °C. University Hospital Brno has implemented a method of platelet freezing at –80 °C in 5–6% dimethyl sulfoxide. Buffy-coat-derived leucodepleted blood group 0 fresh platelets are used for cryopreservation and reconstituted in platelet additive solution SSP+ after thawing. The authors present the results of a comparative study of cryopreserved and fresh buffy-coat-derived leucodepleted platelets going prior to clinical application. The following parameters were determined: platelet count and concentration, pH, volume, platelet loss, dimethyl sulfoxide content, plasma content, total protein content, ABO antibody titre and swirling. Viscoelastic properties were evaluated via rotational thromboelastometry and platelet microparticle numbers were measured by flow cytometry. Cryopreserved platelets met the required quality parameters and maintained an 83.6% pre-freeze platelet count. The very low plasma content resulted in a low total protein content (0.3 g/unit) and very low ABO antibody titre (0–2). Cryopreserved blood group O platelets reconstituted in SSP+ may thus be considered to be universal ABO products, even in clinical situations where washed platelets are required. Cryopreserved platelets showed faster clot initiation and the number of platelets microparticles increased 25 times compared to fresh platelets. These properties and the long shelf life predestine the use of cryopreserved platelets in urgent situations involving massive bleeding.


cryopreserved platelets – buffy-coat-derived platelets – dimethyl sulfoxide – platelet microparticles – platelet additive solution

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Haematology Internal medicine Clinical oncology

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Issue 3

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