25 years in comprehensive care and treatment of haemophilia

Authors: A. Bátorová
Authors‘ workplace: Klinika hematológie a transfuziológie LFUK, a SZU, Univerzitná nemocnica, Bratislava
Published in: Transfuze Hematol. dnes,25, 2019, No. 1, p. 50-55.
Category: Review/Educational Papers


Over the past 25 years, significant progress has been made in the treatment and comprehensive care for haemophilia and other congenital bleeding disorders in Slovakia and the Czech Republic. The era of modern haemophilia treatment began in the early 1990s. The most significant factor that led to a radical change in treatment was the introduction of safe viral-inactivated concentrates and home therapy in all subjects with severe haemophilia. The gradually increasing availability of concentrates, in Slovakia this is currently up to 8.0 IU/kg /year of FVIII, has helped improve comprehensive care, including elective surgery; introduce prophylaxis and manage inhibitors. The significant progress achieved has brought current haemophilia care in our countries to a level comparable with other developed countries in Europe.


haemophilia – comprehensive care – Prophylaxis – inhibitors


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Haematology Internal medicine Clinical oncology

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Transfusion and Haematology Today

Issue 1

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