Possible Compensation of Constitutive Hypermobility by Exercise in the Fitness Center

Authors: D. Stackeová;  K. Blažková
Authors‘ workplace: Katedra fyzioterapie FTVS UK Praha vedoucí katedry doc. PaedDr. D. Pavlů, CSc.
Published in: Rehabil. fyz. Lék., 16, 2009, No. 3, pp. 120-125.
Category: Original Papers


This article deals with the problem of the constitutional hypermobility and its compensation possibilities. The first part includes the theoretical information about hypermobility and its diagnostic and you can find information about possibilities of its compensation using fitness exercises in the second part. We mean specific method applied by erudite specialist. On the opposite side, practicing exercises of “traditional” strength training is contraindicated by these patients.

Key words:
hypermobility, hypermobility syndrome, physiotherapy, fitness centre


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Physiotherapist, university degree Rehabilitation Sports medicine

Article was published in

Rehabilitation and Physical Medicine

Issue 3

2009 Issue 3
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