Metformin and pregnancy

Authors: MUC. Jan Přáda;  MUDr. Kateřina Anderlová, Ph.D.
Authors‘ workplace: Gynekologicko-porodnická klinika 1. LF UK a VFN Praha
Published in: Prakt Gyn 2015; 19(1): 74-76
Category: Students Articles: Review Article


Insulin has always been used a drug of choice in a treatment for pregnant women with diabetes mellitus. On the contrary, metformin and other oral hypoglycemic agents have not been used because of concerns about possible harm caused to the fetus. However, the latest studies prove that the safety of using metformin during pregnancy is equal to insulin therapy and it might even offer certain positives.

Key words:
diabetes mellitus – pregnancy – oral hypoglycemic agents – metformin


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Paediatric gynaecology Gynaecology and obstetrics Reproduction medicine

Article was published in

Practical Gynecology

Issue 1

2015 Issue 1
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