Clinical experiencies with combiphasic contraception

Authors: Tomáš Fait
Authors‘ workplace: 1. LF UK a VFN v Praze ;  Gynekologicko–porodnická klinika
Published in: Prakt Gyn 2007; 11(2): 70-71


605 users and 121 doctors were investigated during study of satisfaction with combiphasic contraception (7 days of 0,04 mg EE + 0,025 mg desogestrel and 15 days 0,03 mg EE + 0,125 mg desogestrel). 60,8 % of users were fully satisfied and 34,4 % were partially satisfied after 2 month of therapy. Study shows the possibility to use this contraception as contraception of primary vote for women with unregular bleeding during another combined oral contraceptions.

Key words:
combiphasic contraceptive pills

Paediatric gynaecology Gynaecology and obstetrics Reproduction medicine
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