Mapping of the Superficial Venous System on the Lower Extremities before and after the Varicose Veins Surgery – Summarizing Paper of Specific Aspects during the Duplex Ultrasound Imaging

Authors: L. Hnátek 1;  G. Hnátková 2
Authors‘ workplace: Chirurgické oddělení Nemocnice Atlas a. s., Zlín 1;  Interní oddělení Nemocnice Atlas a. s., Zlín 2
Published in: Rozhl. Chir., 2010, roč. 89, č. 11, s. 707-712.
Category: Monothematic special - Original


Duplex ultrasound examination is a gold standard for the investigation of venous system of lower extremities. Its importance is often undervalued especially by surgeons before the intervention itself. The necessity of mapping of the superficial venous system on lower extremities became more important with the progress of endovenous techniques.

The goal of this summarizing paper is to focus on anatomical and topographical situations of significant anatomical structures during the ultrasound mapping of venous system on lower extremities.

Material and method:
There is described the course of great and small saphenus veins and their junction into the deep venous system including all the other tributaries in the described region there. The description of perforating veins is not left out in the paper, too. The emphasis is put on display of anatomical structures in B-mode of the ultrasound imaging and their relationship to the surrounding anatomical structures.

It is necessary to keep the guidelines for investigation and consecutively the guidelines for intervention of venous system. This is the only way to eliminate the pathological reflux and insufficient inter- and epifastial veins. This is the chance how to avoid the early recurrence or progression of the disease.

Key words:
duplex ultrasound – mapping of venous system on lower extremities


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Surgery Orthopaedics Trauma surgery

Article was published in

Perspectives in Surgery

Issue 11

2010 Issue 11
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