Laparoscopic Liver Resections. Successes and Failures Associated with the Technique Introduction – Case Reports

Authors: Z. Šubrt 1,2;  A. Ferko 2,1;  B. Jon 2;  F. Čečka 2
Authors‘ workplace: Katedra válečné chirurgie, Fakulta vojenského zdravotnictví, Univerzita Obrany Brno, vedoucí katedry: doc. MUDr. L. Klein, CSc. 1;  Chirurgická klinika Fakultní nemocnice Hradec Králové a Lékařské fakulty UK v Hradci Králové přednosta kliniky: prof. MUDr. A. Ferko, CSc. Práce byla podpořena výzkumným záměrem Ministerstva zdravotnictví České republiky MZO 00179906 a výzkumným záměrem F 2
Published in: Rozhl. Chir., 2009, roč. 88, č. 9, s. 509-513.
Category: Monothematic special - Original


The authors present initial clinical experience with laparoscopic liver resections as a case report series. The operation time, hospital and ICU stay length, perioperative blood loss, transfusion units used, and postoperative complications were recorded in a prospective way. The reasons for conversion to open surgery were also evaluated. 15 laparoscopic liver resections were completed between May 2006 and February 2009. There were 11 anatomical resections including hemihepatectomies and 4 non-anatomical laparoscopicaly completed liver resections. The initial experience shows that laparoscopic liver resection is feasible and safesate approach that requires advances experience in laparoscopic operative technique and liver surgery. Introduction of the laparoscopic technique is not easy and is associated with high risk of hilar bile duct injuries and perioperative bleeding.

Key words:
liver – laparoscopic technique – liver resection – complications


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Surgery Orthopaedics Trauma surgery

Article was published in

Perspectives in Surgery

Issue 9

2009 Issue 9
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