Inflammatory Diseases of the Thorax

Authors: T. Gottvald;  J. Příborská;  L. Sákra
Authors‘ workplace: Katedra klinických oborů, Fakulta zdravotnických studií Univerzity Pardubice ;  Chirurgická klinika, Pardubická KN a. s., přednosta: doc. MUDr. K. Havlíček, CSc.
Published in: Rozhl. Chir., 2009, roč. 88, č. 5, s. 282-284.
Category: Monothematic special - Original


Inflammatory diseases of the thorax can affect its own lungs, pleural cavity, mediastinum or chest wall. They often complicate the treatment of traumatic injury of the thorax. Even infectious complication after intrathoracic surgery are not rare. The early removal of infectious substance (tissue, fluid) and relevant antibiotics therapy are basis of surgical treatment. This article deal about infection of the thorax in surgery and posibilities of treatment options. Contribution of well-timed surgical intervention is demonstrated on case report of patient with infectious complication after traumatic thorax injury.

Key words:
chest infection – empyema thoracis – lung abscess – surgical treatment – antibiotics therapy


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Surgery Orthopaedics Trauma surgery

Article was published in

Perspectives in Surgery

Issue 5

2009 Issue 5
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