Antimicrobial Treatment in Complicated Intraabdominal Infections – Current Situation

Authors: F. Vyhnánek
Authors‘ workplace: Chirurgická klinika 3. LF UK, Praha
Published in: Rozhl. Chir., 2009, roč. 88, č. 4, s. 206-213.
Category: Monothematic special - Original


Compared to other infections, intraabdominal infections include wide spectrum of infections of various severity, have different ethiology, which is frequently polymicrobial, show different microbiological results, which are difficult to interpret. The role of surgical intervention is essential. Intraabdominal infections are common causes of morbidity and mortality. Their prognosis is significantly improved with early and exact diagnosis, appropriate surgical or radiological intervention and timely effective antimicrobial therapy. Practitioners may choose between older or more modern antibiotics, between monotherapy or combination therapy, however, they should also consider clinical condition of the patient, the antibiotic’s spectrum of activity, the treatment timing and its duration, the dose and dosing scheme of the particular antimicrobials. Furthermore, antimicrobial therapy should be used with caution, with the aim to prevent development of antimicrobial resistence. Inappropriate choice of antimicrobials in initial empiric therapy results in relapsing infections, surgical intervention and prolongation of hospitalization, and even death rates reflect adequate and timely empiric therapy.

Key words:
intraabdominal infections – antimicrobial treatment – empiric and targeted therapy


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Surgery Orthopaedics Trauma surgery

Article was published in

Perspectives in Surgery

Issue 4

2009 Issue 4
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