ACE Procedure for Life Long Constipation in Adult

Authors: P. Zonča 1;  M. A. Rathore 2;  V. Loughlin 2;  T. Mrázek 1;  D. Houdail 2;  A. Goralczyk 2;  Z. Kazinota 2
Authors‘ workplace: Chirurgické a traumatologické oddělení, MN Ostrava, primář: MUDr. Tomáš Mrázek, Ph. D. 1;  Chirurgické oddělení, Lagan Valley Hospital, uvedení Consultant Surgeons, NI, UK 2
Published in: Rozhl. Chir., 2007, roč. 86, č. 12, s. 657-660.
Category: Monothematic special - Original


The authors present a possibility of Malon Operation in adult patients with chronic constipation. They determine the quality of life at a pre-operative time and 3 months post-operatively after ACE operation.

Material and Method:
ACE is an „antegrade continent enema „operation carried out via a short laparotomy or laparoscopy creating appendicostomy. It serves as a port for enema delivery after catheter access. It is performed for constipation commonly in children and extremely rarely in adults.

46 years old lady has had a severe constipation (1x >6 weeks) since her early childhood. The usage of laxatives had been progressively increased to achieve the best result. The patient experienced left iliac fossa pain, cramp, spurious diarrhea, anal seepage, spoilage of undergarments, tenesmus, urge incontinence, and social impairment as well. Other features included fibromyalgia and a very strong family history of colorectal cancer. She was examinated according to the guidelines for chronic constipation. Colonic transit study revealed a slow-colonic time and a global inertia of colon. ACE operation was performed in June 2006.

The result at 3 months after surgery was frequency 2x/week within 10/30 minutes after self administrated ACE (PO4 + 100ml saline) with very occasional soilage. The progressive resistance in track at 8–10cm from skin level occurred 2 months after surgery. Contrast appendiculogram revealed an angulation and a very mild stenosis at appendico-caecal junction. Radiological balloon dilatation to 14F followed with effect. The quality of life assessment at pre-operative and 3 months post-ACE procedure revealed no difference. On specific questioning the predictability of bowel motion was found as a sole benefit.

A non-resective appendicostomy for ACE for severe life-long constipation showed no improvement on QoL instrument. However, it resulted in improvement of the predictability of bowel action. ACE technique - Malon Operation can be used as a treatment method for selected adult patients with severe constipation.

Key words:
constipation – colon – appendix – continent – antegrade – enema


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Surgery Orthopaedics Trauma surgery

Article was published in

Perspectives in Surgery

Issue 12

2007 Issue 12
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