Warthin’s tumour of the nasopharynx – a case report and literature review

Authors: Ivo Stárek 1 ;  Z. Horáková 1 ;  D. Skanderová 2
Authors‘ workplace: Klinika otorinolaryngologie a chirurgie hlavy a krku LF UP a FN Olomouc 1;  Ústav klinické a molekulární patologie LF UP a FN Olomouc 2
Published in: Otorinolaryngol Foniatr, 72, 2023, No. 3, pp. 152-156.
Category: Case Reports
doi: https://doi.org/10.48095/ccorl2023152


Papillary cystic adenolymphoma, usually called Warthin’s tumour (WT), is the second most common benign salivary gland tumour with a relative incidence of up to 25%. Typically, it is localized in the parotid gland or in its proximity where it arises from salivary inclusions entrapped in the intra- and paraparotic lymph nodes. In the upper aerodigestive tract, the WT occurs very rarely. In the postnasal space, only 11 cases have been published in the literature so far. In this case, we bring a case report of a 61-year-old woman, a smoker, in whom the tumour was located at the nasopharyngeal ostium of the left Eustachian tube. Based on our case and review of relevant literature, we discuss clinical aspects of this extraordinary rare neoplasia.


Nasopharynx – Warthin’s tumour – head and neck neoplasms


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