Krempaská S., Kovaľ J. : Complications after Eardrum Membrane Reconstruction

Authors: S. Krempaská;  J. Kovaľ
Authors‘ workplace: Klinika otorinolaryngológie a chirurgie hlavy a krku LF a UPJŠ, Košice, prednosta kliniky: prof. MUDr. J. Kovaľ CSc.
Published in: Otorinolaryngol Foniatr, 60, 2011, No. 1, pp. 38-42.
Category: Original Article


Myringoplasty is the intervention aimed for occlusion of the eardrum membrane. It is performed independently or as a part of tympanoplastic operations. In order to reach good anatomical result, which is the prerequisite of good functional postoperative result, a correct indication and timing is necessary as well as adherence to all detail of operation procedure and regular postoperative care of the patient.

Material and methods:
In the group of 276 patients the authors evaluated and analyzed complications in healing after myringoplasty by the underlay technique, performed with temporalis muscle fascia in three different groups: otitis media chronica mesotympanalis – stabilized form (OMCH), granular myringitis (GM) and eardrum (tympanic membrane) blunting.

The occurrence of complications in the stabilized form of otitis media chronica, which subsequently required reoperation, proved to be 4.4% and less serious complications occurred in 15.3%.

In the granular myringitis group serious complications requiring reoperation occurred in 16%

and complications which did not require revision operation in 75%. In the eardrum membrane blunting group the revision operation occurred in 43.5% of patients and a prolonger course of healing affected almost all patients.

Myringoplasty may be accompanied by various complications such as: residual perforation of tympanic membrane, roughening of the graft, granular myringitis, cholesteatoma of tympanic membrane, cholesteatoma of external auditory (canal), lateralization of the graft and tympanic membrane blunting. The most frequent complications in our group included residual perforation, granular myringitis and eardrum blunting. The best conditions for healing and rarest complications were encountered in the stabilized form of otitis media chronica mesotympanalis. Increased number of complications was in the granular myringitis group. The eardrum membrane blunting group was characterized by the higher number of complications.

Key words:
myringoplasty, eardrum (tympanic) membrane reconstruction, complications.


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Audiology Paediatric ENT ENT (Otorhinolaryngology)

Article was published in

Otorhinolaryngology and Phoniatrics

Issue 1

2011 Issue 1
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