Czech Version of the Voice Handicap Index Questionnaire for Quantitative Evaluation of Voice Problems Perceived by Patients

Authors: J. G. Švec 1,2;  M. Lejska 3;  J. Frostová 3;  M. Zábrodský 4;  J. Dršata 5;  P. Král 6
Authors‘ workplace: Oddělení biofyziky, Katedra experimentální fyziky, PřF UP, Olomouc ;  vedoucí prof. RNDr. J. Nauš, CSc. Hlasové centrum Praha 1;  vedoucí MUDr. J. Vydrová Audio-Fon Centrum, Brno 2;  přednosta doc. MUDr. M. Lejska, CSc. Klinika otorinolaryngologie a chirurgie hlavy a krku 1. LF UK a FN Motol, Praha 3;  přednosta prof. MUDr. J. Betka, DrSc. Klinika ušní nosní a krční LF UK a FN, Hradec Králové 4;  přednosta doc. MUDr. J. Vokurka, CSc. Katedra anglistiky a amerikanistiky FF UP, Olomouc 5;  vedoucí prof. PhDr. J. Macháček, CSc. 6
Published in: Otorinolaryngol Foniatr, 58, 2009, No. 3, pp. 132-139.
Category: Original Article


Subjectively perceived voice problems are the basic impulse for voice treatment. It is becoming increasingly important to quantify the voice problems in order to provide evidence for effectivity of the treatment. One of the basic instruments developed for quantification of subjectively perceived problems in patients with voice disorders is the Voice Handicap Index (VHI). Originally developed in English, this instrument has already been translated to many languages. Attempts for translating the VHI into Czech language have so far lead to various versions of this questionnaire, which have not yet been unified into a standard official form. This study takes three independent translations of VHI and unifies them into an official, linguistically corrected Czech version. The VHI score can be used for verifying the successfulness of treatment methods in voice disorders. Introducing VHI into clinical practice is relatively undemanding and does not require special financial investments.

Key words:
Voice Handicap Index, voice disorders, psychometrically verified questionnaire.


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Audiology Paediatric ENT ENT (Otorhinolaryngology)

Article was published in

Otorhinolaryngology and Phoniatrics

Issue 3

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