Authors: Mgr. Kevická Viktória 1;  doc. PaedDr. Marková Jana;  PhD. 1;  Mgr. Gavalerová Mária 2
Authors‘ workplace: Katedra logopédie, Pedagogická fakulta Univerzity Komenského v Bratislave 1;  Neurologická klinika Univerzitnej nemocnice L. Pasteura v Košiciach 2
Published in: Listy klinické logopedie 2020; 4(2): 113-123
Category: Miscellaneous


In patients with aphasia, there are various language deficits, which are also manifested at the level of discourse. The aim of the research was to describe the discourse of patients with Broca’s aphasia and anomic aphasia and to compare their discourses with the discourses of the control groups of the same age, education and gender. The research sample consisted of 34 respondents: 7 patients with Broca’s aphasia, 10 patients with anomic aphasia and 17 intact people in the control groups. Discourse samples were elicited, using the narration of the Cinderella story. Discourse analysis focused on three basic areas: productivity and fluency, errors and corrections, cohesion and informativeness. The performances of patients with Broca’s and anomic aphasia were significantly weaker in all three analysed areas than the performances of the control groups.


Broca’s aphasia – anomic aphasia – narrative discourse – discourse analysis

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Clinical speech therapy General practitioner for children and adolescents

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Clinical speech therapy (Listy klinické logopedie)

Issue 2

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