Authors: Mgr. Volemanová Marja
Authors‘ workplace: Institut neuro-vývojové terapie a stimulace – INVTS s. r. o., Keltská 468, 252 62 Statenice
Published in: Listy klinické logopedie 2020; 4(1): 37-44
Category: Not only for speech therapists


Development of motor skills, primary reflexes and speech development are interconnected. But how? I work with children daily with persistent primary reflexes. These children experience problems at school (learning disorders, attention deficits), with motor skills (inferior gross and fine motor skills, inferior graphomotor skills, coordination of movements), autistic symptoms, speech delay and articulation disorders, which are the topic of this article. I like to work together with Speech Therapists to offer children with these problems the most comprehensive approach and care. The aim of this article is to explain concisely and clearly the link of primary reflexes to motor development and their influence on speech development. In conclusion, I briefly mention the possibilities of intervention, which (clinical) Speech Therapists can include in their speech therapy practice.


psychomotor development – speech development – gross motor skills – fine motor skills – primary reflexes – neurode­velopmental therapy – neurodevelopmental stimulation

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Clinical speech therapy General practitioner for children and adolescents

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Clinical speech therapy (Listy klinické logopedie)

Issue 1

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