Iodine and health in the Czech Republic

Authors: Marie Nejedlá
Authors‘ workplace: Meziresortní komise pro řešení jodového deficitu, Státní zdravotní ústav, Praha
Published in: Čas. Lék. čes. 2021; 160: 215-219
Category: Review Article


Iodine is a vital essential element, and its deficiency leads to several health disorders. The natural environment isn’t a sufficient source for the necessary iodine saturation of population in the Czech Republic. It is therefore necessary that basic measures against risk of iodine deficiency must be provided by the state. In the Czech Republic it has been achieved since the beginning of the 21st century and the supply of iodine has ensured the optimal iodine saturation. The situation remains unsatisfactory for pregnant and breastfeeding women with a higher iodine requirement than the rest of the population.

The assessment of iodine status of the Czech population is based on enough objective data. 15 representative surveys of urine levels of iodine in school children and adults were performed in years 1995–2016 and mean value of median urine levels was 204 µg/l. It corresponds to the criterion of adequate iodine intake with 150–300 µg/l iodine in the urine. The results of newborns’ TSH monitoring also are used. They show in 4,7 % of newborns light iodine deficiency. Another indicator is the nutritional exposure dose of iodine, which is slightly higher than recommended, especially in schoolchildren without health risk, however.


iodine health significance – solution of iodine deficiency

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