Tobacco dependence treatment in the Czech Republic: history, presence, and future

Authors: Eva Králíková 1,2;  Kamila Zvolská 1;  Lenka Štěpánková 1;  Alexandra Pánková 1,2;  Vladislava Felbrová 1;  Stanislava Kulovaná 1
Authors‘ workplace: Centrum pro závislé na tabáku, 3. interní klinika – klinika endokrinologie a metabolismu 1. LF UK a VFN v Praze 1;  Ústav hygieny a epidemiologie 1. LF UK a VFN v Praze 2
Published in: Čas. Lék. čes. 2020; 159: 147-152
Category: Review Article


The tobacco dependence treatment has a relative short history. It has become available in various intensity within our healthcare in the last more than two decades.

The Society for the Treatment of Tobacco Dependence in cooperation with the Czech Medical Chamber initiated the establishment of Tobacco Dependence Treatment Centers, managing their database (N = 43) on its website (www.slzt.cz), as well as a directory of outpatient doctors providing this treatment (N = 214), and consulting pharmacies (N ~ 150). On this website, there are also mobile apps for quitting smoking in Czech, the national quit line, addictology clinics dealing with tobacco dependence (N = 3), a link to published treatment recommendations and other information.

All doctors, nurses and other healthcare professionals routinely should apply brief intervention lasting at least tens of seconds, and also other diverse forms of assistance should be available from leaflets to intensive treatment. We also focus on the necessary future direction of this field of medicine.


Czech Republic – smoking – treatment – tobacco dependence – smoking cessation – availability

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Article was published in

Journal of Czech Physicians

Issue 3-4

2020 Issue 3-4
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