Postponing parenthood to advanced age and its possible consequences

Authors: Lenka Šulová
Authors‘ workplace: Katedra psychologie, Filozofická fakulta UK
Published in: Čas. Lék. čes. 2019; 158: 133-137
Category: Review Article


The article deals with a new social phenomenon that began to emerge after 1989 – postponing parenthood to later age. Attention in text is paid to the characteristic features of contemporary parenting with an emphasis on the higher age of parents.

Selected psychological contexts related to higher age of parents, especially psychological development of preschool children is outlined. The importance of individual parental care for a small child and the common time of children with their parents and changes in parental roles in the intergenerational context and the current problems of parental influence on the child are mentioned as well.


postponed parenthood – early children’s development – parental role – individual parental care

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Article was published in

Journal of Czech Physicians

Issue 3-4

2019 Issue 3-4
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