Foregut diseases: foregut neoplasms

Authors: prof. MUDr. DrSc. Miloslav Duda 1;  MUDr. Ph.D. Štěpán Suchánek 2;  MUDr. Lukáš Adamčík 3;  MUDr. Tomáš Jínek 3
Authors‘ workplace: II. chirurgická klinika LF UP a FN Olomouc a Chirurgické oddělení a Komplexní onkologické centrum, Nemocnice Nový Jičín, a. s. 1;  Interní klinika 1. LF UK a ÚVN Praha 2;  Chirurgické oddělení a Komplexní onkologické centrum, Nemocnice Nový Jičín, a. s. 3
Published in: Čas. Lék. čes. 2016; 155: 23-29
Category: Review Articles


The diseases esophagus, stomach and duodenum are more frequently described as the foregut diseases. This term arises from the common embryologic origin of this part of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. Therefore similar diagnostic approach, surgical therapy and possible secondary prevention are recommended.

The concept of foregut surgery has been used for many years in USA and western countries mainly among surgeons and gastroenterologist, especially i the management of patients with upper GI tract malignancies.

In the Czech Republic, there were 2,204 patients diagnosed yearly with foregut cancers in years 2006–2010. These carcinomas are the second most common solid GI malignancies, following colorectal cancer (8,127 yearly). Among all cancers they occupy the fourth position in incidence after colorectal cancer, breast cancer (6,371 yearly) and lung cancer (6,782 yearly). Regarding the numbers of surgically treated cancers, they rank the third position. The late clinical stage diagnosis is associated with low five year survival (18 % esophagus; 30 % stomach).

Therefore, it is necessary to search for better early endoscopic diagnosis. In case of surgery, the improvement is possible by using the high volume hospitals principle.

foregut diseases, foregut surgery, foregut oncology, early diagnosis, „high volume hospitals” principle


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