Ženská androgenetická alopecie, přehled příčin a léčebných možností
Mezoterapie – vlastní studie

Authors: Hana Duchková 1;  Marta Hašková 2
Authors‘ workplace: Kožní sanatorium s. r. o., Ústí nad Labem
Published in: Čas. Lék. čes. 2015; 154: 90-94
Category: Original Article


Mesotherapy is one of the options for the treatment of androgenetic alopecia. Testing 24 women with androgenetic alopecia has demonstrated a positive effect of mesotherapy on the hair growth, hair thickness, with only insignificant increase of hair density. It is known that androgenetic alopecia represents a localized aging of hair follicles. We therefore decided to examine the different effects of mesotherapy on hair density in younger and in elderly women. In younger women mesotherapy significantly increased hair density compared with older women. For mesotherapy we used a combination of micronutrients and antioxidants. Mesotherapy achievements were evident for 6–12 months. Treatment requires a long-term care.

androgenetic alopecia – mesotherapy – ageing – micronutrients – antioxidants


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