Diabetes mellitus, antidiabetics and bone

Authors: Štěpán Svačina
Authors‘ workplace: Univerzita Karlova v Praze, 1. lékařská fakulta, III. interní klinika VFN
Published in: Čas. Lék. čes. 2010; 149: 282-284
Category: Review Article


A short review of current opinions on a questionable and controversial disease – diabetic osteopathy – is presented. Bone metabolism is influenced by antidiabetic drugs. Positive effects are attributed to the insulin and metformin therapy. Use of thiazolidindiones is accompanied by a higher risk of bone fractures in diabetic women. Very interesting and also promising is the effect of glucagon like peptide-1 and the new antidiabetic drug class- incretin analogues on bone metabolism.

Key words:
diabetic osteopathy, thiazolidindiones, glucagon like peptid-1, incretin analogues.


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