Kidney diseases in pregnancy

Authors: Eva Kolesárová 1;  Jana Sirotiaková 2;  Miriam Kozárová 3
Authors‘ workplace: Nefrologická a interná ambulancia, Medikol s. r. o, Dialyzačný stacionár Medialyz s. r. o, Košice 1;  Interné oddelenie NO NsP, Levice 2;  IV. interná klinika UPJŠ LF, Košice 3
Published in: Čas. Lék. čes. 2010; 149: 580-585
Category: Review Article


Knowledge of important morphological, functional and hemodynamic changes occurring in the kidneys during physiological pregnancy is a prerequisite for proper diagnostics and therapy of renal diseases in pregnancy. Kidney diseases may be kidney diseases complicating pregnancy in previously healthy women, or pre-existing or superposed kidney diseases. Knowledge of renal insufficiency management in pregnancy, including haemodialysis treatment and management of pregnancy in patients who have undergone transplantation, is also important.

Key words:
pregnancy, kidney diseases, proteinuria, haematuria, dialysis, transplantation.


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