Assessment of health state and working capacity of people suffering from mental disorders and behaviour disorders

Authors: Rostislav Čevela;  Libuše Čeledová;  Jana Bělohlávková
Authors‘ workplace: Odbor lékařské posudkové služby MPSV ČR, Praha
Published in: Čas. Lék. čes. 2010; 149: 26-31
Category: Special Articles


The article informs about a new approach to health state assessment, rate of working capacity decline and incapacity of people who suffer from mental disorders and behaviour disorders, based on the project results “Progress of medical science advances reflected in functional health state assessment and working incapacity in relation to International classification of illnesses and International classification of functional abilities” conducted by Czech Medical Association J. E. Purkyne. The authors emphasize that a new approach to incapacity assessment is in accord with expert medical public opinions and medical science advances with focus on function ability, activity and participation.

Key words:
health state assessment, working capacity, mental disorders, behaviour disorders.


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