Nitric oxide in patients with obesity and metabolic syndrome

Authors: J. Hodis;  N. Gaier;  H. Farghali
Authors‘ workplace: Univerzita Karlova v Praze, 1. lékařská fakulta, Farmakologický ústav
Published in: Čas. Lék. čes. 2009; 148: 34-38
Category: Review Article


Nitric oxide in its pleiotropic role interacts with many diverse systems and beside others acts in pathophysiology of obesity and metabolic syndrome. Our review tends to summarize available basic publications aimed at the impact of NO on mitochondrial respiration, insulin resistance mainly in hepatocyte and the impact of NO on other factors of glucose metabolism. In this review, the authors try to shed light to pathophysiology of impaired NO bioavailability during diabetes and obesity too.

Key words:
nitric oxide, mitochondrial respiration, insulin resistance.


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