Influenza and its complications

Authors: Adam Vitouš;  František Stejskal
Authors‘ workplace: Technická univerzita Liberec, Klinika infekčních nemocí, 2. LF UK a Nemocnice Na Bulovce, Praha ;  Ústav imunologie a mikrobiologie, 1. LF UK a VFN, Praha ;  Infekční oddělení, Krajská nemocnice Liberec, a. s.
Published in: Vnitř Lék 2020; 66(6): 360-362


Influenza is viral acute respiratory illness. During winter season flu occurs in local epidemics of various magnitude. Influenza causes substantial loss of workdays, human suffering, and significant mortality rate in population, despite the existing treat‑ ment and effective vaccination.


vaccine – flu – influenza – infection – complications


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Diabetology Endocrinology Internal medicine

Article was published in

Internal Medicine

Issue 6

2020 Issue 6
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