The myths and facts about arterial hypertension: do we really know everything about arterial hypertension?

Authors: Anna Vachulová
Authors‘ workplace: Národný ústav srdcových a cievnych chorôb a. s., Klinika kardiológie a angiológie, oddelenie arytmií a kardiostimulácie, Bratislava, Slovenská republika
Published in: Vnitř Lék 2019; 65(11): 728-733
Category: Actualities


Arterial hypertension is one of the most commonly underestimated diseases. At the same time various myths are frequently associated with this illness. Likewise, the overload of available clinical data causes misconceptions, which then lead to the misinterpretation of real and also doubtful issues. Unfortunately, these misconceptions result in insufficient blood pressure control. Let’s sort through some common myths in our article, so you can make health decisions in the management of hypertension based on the facts.


amlodipine – arterial hypertension – fixed dosed combination treatment – indapamide – perindopril arginine

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Internal Medicine

Issue 11

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